HOW TO FIND AND BUY YOUR PHOTOS: - Type your bib/bike number or the other search criteria
(see below) in the 'Search by Keyword' box below and hit ‘Go’.
- From the photos you find, click on the first photo you want in order to make it bigger
- Then select your product from the list and ‘Add to Cart’.
If your product contains more than one photo,
click here to see a quick video on how to complete the product purchase on a
desktop Mac/PC, or
click here for how to do it on a
Smart Phone Sometimes your number
WON'T BE VISIBLE, so try a search using the
predominant colour of your jacket/top and your
gender as search criteria as follows (please make sure to type a comma and a blank space between the two):
TOP COLOUR: W (White); B (Black); G (Grey); DG (Dark Grey); LG (Light Grey); B (Blue); LB (Light Blue); DB (Dark Blue); N(Navy); R (Red); DR (Dark Red); P (Pink); MR (Maroon); O (Orange); Y (Yellow); BR (Brown); P (Purple); LP (Light Purple/Violet etc); GR (Green); DGR (Dark Green); LGR (Light Green); TGR (Turquoise Green); MGR (Mint Green); G(Gold); HVGR (Hi-Vis Green); HVY (Hi-Vis Yellow); HVO (Hi-Vis Orange). and GENDER: M (Male); F (Female) EG; a female wearing a yellow hi-vis top should put
HVY, F in the search box (remembering to include the comma and blank space between the criteria).
***** OR TO VIEW AND SEARCH THE GALLERIES MANUALLY: just scroll down and click on a gallery below to view all the photos within it.
PLEASE NOTE: the last six digits in each file number are
the time the photo was taken, for example file no. 0199_02_4444_090437 was taken at four minutes and thirty seven seconds past 9am. Use this info to find photos if you have an idea where you were at what time.