PLEASE ORDER VIA THIS EMAIL: [email protected] Please supply the exact file name of any photo you'd like to buy - to find the file name just select a photo to make it larger, and the file name (beginning with 0250_) should be visible below the photo - and write down in what format (print or digital file) you'd like the photos (you can choose both formats if you like). After receiving your order I will reply with my bank details for you to pay that way. This avoids my e-commerce host taking a percentage!
PRICES (as per Saturday + postage if applicable): 9x6" mounted prints are £12.50 + postage, Buy 2 get a 3rd FREE, or buy 4 for £35. Hi-resolution digital files are £15 each, Buy 2 get a 3rd FREE, or unlimited files (per gymnast) are £75.