Taken as the runners reached the highest point of the race, the mountain crest a few hundred metres from the summit of Snowdon. PLEASE NOTE: for obvious weather reasons some of these aren't particularly clear but we did our best.
PLEASE NOTE: We present all photos in small 'bitesize' galleries that are arranged by LOCATION and CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER (not 'search by number), thereby making it realtively easy for you to find your photos if you have a reasonable idea of which race you were in, and roughly where you will have been during the race at any particular time.
PLEASE ALSO NOTE: If you want to take advantage of one of our 'Buy 'X' get 1 free' offers, you MUST OPEN AN ACCOUNT in order to be able to create a set of FAVOURITES, which then gives you access to the photos which you can then place within your 'Buy 2/3/4 get 1 free' product. If you need more help, click here to see a short video that may help you.