These photos are in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER.
We've decided to put these photos online due to some people not being able to view their photos last Saturday because of, amongst other things, the issue with the printer not working and delaying things (brand new printer, now working like a dream!!!).
PLEASE NOTE: the intention with most of the jumping shots is to crop the trampet out of the image where possible when you've chosen your photo.
If you HAVEN'T yet bought any prints, please give your order to Natasja at the club directly. But if you have already bought your prints, please feel free to browse and buy more on here using the easy online purchasing process which is really simple. Again, a significant portion of the money raised from any purchases will be going to the club.
It's very simple to buy a photo: just select any image thumbnail to enlarge it into its own page, select the 'Buy' panel, choose your product and you will then be taken through a very simple purchasing process where you can use virtually any credit or debit card as well as PayPal.
PLUS: we can make simple adjustments to any photo, such as to lighten, darken and crop an image as you'd like, simply let us know in the 'Instructions' and 'cropping' facilities during the purchasing process. If you'd like anything a bit more complicated or specialized please feel free to ask and we can contact you directly with a cost.
© Event Images by Mel Parry